Road Traffic Injuries- Overview WHO Collaborating Centre for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

Road Traffic Injuries


In India, an estimated 1,75,000 persons died and 8.7 million were injured seriously due to RTIs in 2016. Nearly 70% of these deaths and injuries were in 15–39 years and predominantly among men. Vulnerable road users like pedestrians, two-wheeler riders, and pillions and bicyclists were affected most. Rural India witnessed the highest number of deaths and injuries compared with urban India. The economic losses are estimated to cost 3% GDP every year.

Globally, nearly 1.2 million lives are lost every year due to Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs). Apart from deaths, nearly 40-50 million persons are estimated to be hospitalized with serious injuries while several more seek care from emergency rooms of healthcare institutions. More than three-fourths of these RTIs occur in Low and Middle-Income countries (LMICs) of the world.

A significant amount of disabilities are due to RTIs. The economic losses are estimated to be approximately 2% of gross domestic product in high-income countries and as much as 3–4 % of GDP  in some Low and Middle-Income countries (LMICs).

RTIs are predictable and preventable.

The centre works with a number of state and national governments as well as international partners to reduce the growing burden of RTIs for implementing evidence-based interventions.