Research WHO Collaborating Centre for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion


Beginning with the first major and large-scale population-based descriptive epidemiological study on suicides in the city of Bangalore, the Centre has undertaken several research projects to examine the epidemiology and public health burden, risk factors, outcomes, socioeconomic impact, stigma related issues, and public perceptions. Various methodologies like case-control studies, psychological autopsy methods, focused group interactions, public perceptions, and review of records have been employed over time.  

The analytical studies of both completed and attempted suicides have been a major contribution of the centre. Suicides are also one of the focused areas of work under the Bangalore Injury Prevention programme. 

In the just-completed National Mental Health Survey of India in 2015–16, suicidality in Indian population was examined in a national survey of 40,000 individuals above 18 years of age through a well-defined methodology.