The Sakalawara Community Mental Health Center (SCMHC)

The Sakalawara Community Mental Health Center (SCMHC)

Services provided in the clinic

The services provided are step-down psychiatric care & psychosocial rehabilitation of patients stable on medications for more than 4-6 weeks. The services include Daily Living Skills, Behavioural Work, Group Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Family Therapy & Yoga carried out by a multi-disciplinary team of mental health professionals. The services provided are also customized according to the individual need of the patient. Very often, a liaison is set up with industries in & around the centre that can provide vocational training which will be useful for some of the patients in the real world scenario.

Who will benefit?

Patients who need psycho-social rehabilitation before joining mainstream work & before reintegration into their family & community

How does one get an appointment?
  • All patients suffering from severe mental illness and common mental disorder, stable on medication for more than 3-4 weeks referred by a psychiatrist can come to the center directly. The admission will be done after assessment by the psychiatrist of the SCMHC.
  • The patients (on treatment already, either at NIMHANS or otherwise) can also come through the NIMHANS Psychiatry OPD referral system, if the consultant psychiatrist feels that the patient will benefit by admission in the SCMHC than being admitted in the main hospital for acute care.
  • No direct admission of patients without referral from a psychiatrist or a mental health team will be entertained.
  • The primary treating psychiatrist can send the patients with a referral letter, stating the reasons for need of rehabilitation & admission at SCMHC.
  • The treating team at SCMHC can also be reached directly (details given below). The treating team will be happy to guide the patient, the attender & the referring psychiatrist in getting the admission done.

 Day and time:We can be reached at: Monday-Saturday from 9.00am-4.00pm.

Contact details:

Landline: +91-080-27837071,

Mobile: +91-9480829546, +91-9480829584




Dr. Mathew Varghese (Senior Professor & Head)

Dr. Srikala Bharath (Professor).

Dr. Jagdisha T (Addl. Professor).

Dr. Sydney Moirangthem (Asst. Professor).

Dr. Sabina Rao (Specialist Grade Psychiatrist)

Clinical Psychology

Dr. PaulomiSudhir (Addl. Prof)

Dr. Roopesh Kumar (Asst. Prof)

Dr. Rajkumari (Junior Consultant)

Psychiatric Social Work

Dr. Sekar K. (Professor)

Dr. Arvind (Asst. Prof)

Mr. Illamurugu (Junior Consultant)


Mr. Mohan Krishna (Tutor)

Sr. Sujatha (Supervisor)

Ms. Bindu& Mr. James (Staff Nurses)