Psychiatric Social Work

Psychiatric Social Work

Clinicial Services:

The faculty, staff,research scholars and pre doctoral trainees have been extending psychosocial services to the patients in Out-Patient and In-Patient Units, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Family Psychiatric Centre, Neurological and Neurosurgery services, Psychiatric and Neurological Rehabilitation, Deaddiction and Community Mental Health Units.

Following services are provided –

  • Psychosocial assessment of the patients and their families.
  • Home visits for diagnostic and therapeutic services
  • Community agencies contacts for Resource mobilization.
  • Educating the patients/family members about the illness, treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Marital counseling / therapy / intervention services.
  • Family counseling / therapy / intervention services.
  • Group therapy / intervention services for patients / family members.
  • Liaison services with families and community.
  • Training the para-professionals and non-professionals in mental health services.
  • Extension services – camps and outreach programmes.
  • Rehabilitation services at residential services

Promotive/Preventive Services:

Promotive / preventive services are also undertaken by the members of the Department in collaboration with voluntary agencies, Factories, educational institutions etc. The areas covered under such programs are:

  • Mental Health
  •  Counseling
  •  Psychosocial care for survivors of Natural Disaster and Communal Violence
  •  Stress Management for Community Level Workers in Disaster
  •  Disaster Management
  •  Psychosocial disaster preparedness for school children
  • Stress Management for Staff of Government of Karnataka
  •  Enriching Family Life
  •  Life Skills Education
  •  Psychosocial care for children in difficult circumstances
  •  Psychosocial care for children and women in Government institutions
  • Promoting mental health through community leaders
  •  International Classification of Functioning (ICF)
  •  School Enrichment Program
  • Pre-Retirement counselling
  •  Suicide Prevention Program


Research projects are undertaken in the areas related to Social and Psychological aspects of mental health and mental illness. Staff members undertake either independent or collaborative research projects sponsored by Government of India, Welfare Ministry, Health Ministry, UN, WHO, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, ICMR, ICSSR,International Organisations like, Malteser International, Terre de Homes, CARE, Action Aid, WorldVision, Medicins Sans Frontiers. Every year 21 M.Phil research dissertations are submitted to NIMHANS, An Institute of National Importance. In addition, about six Ph.D thesis are completed every year. So far about 100 Ph.D theses have been successfully completed. These researches focus on areas like –

  •  Marital and Family Systems, efficacy of family therapy models, families of mental patients, group intervention
  •  Family life education
  •  School mental health and Community mental health
  •  Adolescent Sexuality
  •  Social work aspects of Child and Adolescent problems
  •  Life skills education and prevention of problem.
  •  Children in difficult circumstances
  •  Psychosocial care for women and children in Institution
  •  Developmental Disorders among Children
  •  Social supports, coping
  •  Spirituality aspects
  •  Resource mobilization for Rehabilitation
  •  Deaddiction
  •  Psychiatric Social work in Neurology/ Neurosurgery settings
  •  Issues related to welfare and development.
  •  Psychosocial aspects of disaster management
  •  Enriching counseling skills for counsellors in HIV/AIDS
  •  Community Mental Health
  •  Effectiveness of PSC and Yoga Therapy in Mental Illness