Future Plans psychiatric social work

Future Plans

  • National Centre for Psychosocial Support in Disaster Management. 
  • Consolidation of the developments that have occurred in different areas of psychiatric social work and documentation.
  • Incorporating the essential elements of psychiatric social work services in the programs of welfare agencies for children, youth, women and the aged. 
  • Amalgamation of psychiatric social work programs with programs of labour welfare and personnel management in industrial settings. 
  • Strengthening community efforts to organize rehabilitation services in community like half-way homes, day care centres and special schools. 
  • Enlisting social service support from student service organizations and other volunteers for the welfare of mentally disabled persons. 
  • Organizing periodical in-service training programs to social workers in mental health centres as well as teachers working in schools of social work. 
  • Development of models of training in psychiatric social work. 
  • Broadening the field work placements for M.Phil trainees to include community agencies in addition to the present postings.
  • Helping / guiding schools of social work to start M.Phil / research programs. 
  • Developing specialized fields like psychiatric rehabilitation, social work with children, family psychiatric social work, social work in community mental health, social work with neurologically / neurosurgically disabled, and social work emergency services.
  • Conducting systematic research – exploratory, descriptive, experimental and evaluation studies -on issues related to psychiatric social work and development of indigenous models. 
  • Development of the department into a centre for advanced studies and research in social work, thus making it as an apex body for psychiatric social work programs for welfare agencies and Universities.