Neurochemistry - Vision Mission

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To be a leader in the area of neurochemistry and evolve state-of-the-art approaches to diagnostic services for patient care and fundamental and translational research


  • To establish and provide the highest standard in diagnostic facilities for patient care
  • To establish expertise in the field of neurochemistry
  • To contribute to capacity building by providing training in fundamental & translational research and Biochemistry diagnostic services
  • To develop and strengthen inter-disciplinary, inter-institutional and international collaboration to foster scientific research in neurochemistry


  • Objective 1: To have global quality assurance and accreditation for diagnostic services
  • Objective 2: To establish and maintain self-sustaining diagnostic facilities
  • Objective 3: To contribute to current knowledge in the field of neurochemistry at the molecular, cellular and organismal level
  • Objective 4: To carry out high quality research programmes on par with international standards
  • Objective 5: To train PhD scholars and add to global neuroscience talent pool
  • Objective 6: To train Biochemistry graduates with practical and analytical skills in clinical biochemistryfor employment opportunities in diagnostic biochemistry laboratories.
  • Objective 7: To establish a conducive environment for exchange of scientific knowledge at global level
  • Objective 8: To provide training and organize workshops in the field of neurochemistry for students and faculty from all over India