Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision, Mission and Objectives


Developing and strengthening the components of Psychosocial Support in Rescue, Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Preparedness, Mitigation and Prevention of disasters at ?International. national, regional and local levels.


Strengthening and implementing capacity building, human resource development, research based practice, programs and policies on Psychosocial Support and Mental Health Services at all phases of disaster management including disaster risk reduction. 


  • Developing the culture of psychosocial preparedness for any disaster.
  • Aiding development of evidence-based policies on psychosocial support.
  • Developing institutional capabilities for closing the gap between knowledge and practice.
  • Catalyzing development of appropriate human resources at all levels.
  • Encouraging and undertaking community based practice of psychosocial support in disaster management.
  • Undertaking advocacy on psychosocial support in disaster management.
  • Integrating psychosocial support components with other aspects of disaster management.
  • Identifying the resilience related factors and its translation to clinical practice
  • Conceptualize a framework, design and develop data gathering system for assessment of community mental health, monitoring the effectiveness of all our community intervention programs, and facilitate evidence based research activity at PSSDM.
  • To develop an infrastructure of full range of psychiatric, psychological, social assessment tools relevant to community level interventions.
  • To start one new academic program, in psychosocial and mental health interventions for disaster affected individuals and communities, for professional capacity building through academic institutions and primary health care system.
  • Conceptualize and develop specialized clinical services for psychosocial and mental health services for individuals/ families exposed to traumatic experiences in the form of medical emergencies – like accidents, stroke, and unexpected death of a family member.