The departmental faculty carry out research in biostatistical methods, sample surveys and areas in analytical epidemiology. The faculty also conduct multidisciplinary research in collaboration with other departments.
The major thrust areas in which research activities are on-going in the department of biostatistics are,
- Cluster and Latent structure analysis for biomedical data
- Artificial neural networks and statistical genetics.
- Incomplete data analysis
- Latent class analysis
- Meta analysis
- Survival analysis
- Qualitative data analysis
- Estimation and projection of morbidity incidence
- Quantile and count regression methods in biomedical research
- Multidimensional scaling and causal modelling in fMRI data analysis
The faculty have generated grants from ICMR, International Fogarty fund, DBI, DST etc. for their research work.
As Investigators:
Fogarty International – 1
DST – 1
ICMR – 2
As Co-Investigators: Apart from these projects, more than 12 other projects in which the faculty are involved as co-investigators.
(Collaboration with other department research faculty and other institutions for statistical consultation for many other projects)