Vision, Mission, Objectives neurovirology

Vision, Mission, Objectives


To be part of world body of experts in the field of neurovirology including clinical diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention, control and treatment.


  • Establish state-of-the-art facilities for diagnosis of viral infections of the central nervous system.
  • Establish training facilities to enhance manpower in the field of virology to meet national needs.
  • Evolve and fine tune strategies for management of outbreak of viral infections. 
  • Evolve guidelines and policy framework for National Programs in the field of virology.
  • Promote interdisciplinary research to facilitate translational research in virology.
  • Create state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure and Bio-Banking to promote research in neurovirology.
  • To rapidly respond and offer guidance and diagnostic facilities  to public health authorities in case of emerging or re-emerging viral infections in the country.


  • To carry out tests for the diagnosis of viral infections especially the human nervous system.
  • To carry out basic and applied research in the field of virology. 
  • To provide training to students and other health care professionals in the diagnosis and management of viral infections of the human nervous system. 
  • To participate in public health programs as per national requirements.