Research college of nursing


Research projects/ studies are conducted by the faculty members of the college of nursing. Fourth year BSc Nursing students conduct research projects as part of their partial fulfilment of the course under the guidance of the Faculty.

List of group research projects conducted by the fourth year BSc Nursing students from 2006 -2010 batch onwards

  • A study to assess the occurrence of pre-menstrual syndrome among nursing students in a selected College of Nursing, Bangalore.
  • A study to assess the attitude of adolescent boys towards alcoholism among B.Sc. students at NIMHANS, Bangalore.
  • A study to evaluate the effectiveness of using video demonstration method over traditional lecture demonstration method for teaching administration of intramuscular injection among First Year B.Sc. Nursing students.
  • A descriptive study to assess the level of stress among first year B.Sc. nursing students at College of Nursing, NIMHANS.
  • A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of second year and third year basic B.Sc. nursing students of the College of Nursing, NIMHANS. Regarding HIV/AIDS.
  • A descriptive study to assess the level of stress among first year B.Sc. Nursing students in the College of Nursing, NIMHANS
  • A study to assess the knowledge regarding oral rehydration solution preparation among residents of Venkatapura, Bangalore with a view to prepare an information brochure
  • A study to assess the knowledge regarding oral Rehydration solution preparation among residents of Venkatapura, Bangalore with a view to prepare an information brochure.
  • A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding selected safety measures in nursing practice of first year B.Sc. nursing students at the College of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bangalore
  • A study to determine the parental attachment among the young female adults studying in a selected College of Nursing, Bangalore.
  • A descriptive study to assess the knowledge of psychiatric nursing in the management of patients with suicidal ideation with a view to prepare an information booklet at NIMHANS, Bangalore.
  • A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of breast self-examination among college students in a selected college, Bangalore
  • A descriptive study to assess the knowledge on biomedical waste management among GNM students at a selected school in Bangalore.
  • A study to assess the risk of pressure ulcer among hospitalized patients in a selected hospital, Bangalore.
  • A comparative study to assess the attitude of second year and fourth year B.Sc. Nursing students towards mental illness in selected colleges of nursing, Bangalore.
  • A descriptive study to assess the risk for osteoporosis in nursing personnel working at NIMHANS, Bangalore.
  • A study to assess the drug compliance and factors affecting drug compliance among patients living with HIV/AIDS
  • A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding needle stick injury and its prevention
  • A study to assess the knowledge about disaster management among BSc nursing students of the college of nursing, NIMHANS
  • A study to assess the perception of role transition from student nurses to staff nurses
  • A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of child abuse among mothers in selected urban villages in Bangalore.

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