Certificate course in Social Work Practice in PDM_Notice
read moreDay: November 21, 2019
Quotation for Hand sealing machine
Tender No. STR-D2/398/Sealing Machine /BME/19-20 Dated 21/11/2019 Due date 07/12/2019 sealing machine (1)
read moreQuotation for the supply of Audio System
Tender No. STD2/147/AudioSystem/BME/19-20 Dated 20/11/2019 Due date 05/12/2019 audio system-2
read moreQuotation for Spares (BME)
Tender No. STR-D2/145/CHAIR WHEELS/BME/2019-20 Dated 20/11/2019 Due date 07/12/2019 spareswheel(1)
read moreHigh Performance Computing Systems for Human Sleep Research Laboratory
Ref. no.STR-D1/NIMHANS/2019-20/ IND403 / Recall-2 Dtd. 18.11.2019 for High Performance Computing Systems for HumanSleep Research Laboratory – 01 No. High end full tender doc
read moreUpgradation of the existing 32 channel long term video EEG system (Neurofax,EEG 1200) to 64 channel system
Ref. no.STR-D3/NIMHANS/2019-20/IND538 Dtd. 19.11.2019 for Upgradation of the existing 32 channel long term video EEG system (Neurofax,EEG 1200) to 64 channel system.– 01 full tender doc
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