Neuroimaging & Interventional Radiology

Department of the Neuroimaging and Interventional radiology has been in the fore front in offering diagnostic and interventional services required by the institute. Patients are the reason for existence of our department and we take utmost care in delivering efficient, round the clockdiagnostic and interventional services. Our clinical services includes imaging brain, spine and peripheral nerves and muscles using X rays, ultrasound , CT ,MRI and DSA and also performing therapeutic interventions to cure diseases like aneurysms, arteriovenous malformation and duralarteriovenous fistula. We also have state of art multimodality services such as EEG -fMRI and MRPET which offers imaging for brain and whole body imaging in a variety of neuro and psychiatric disorders.These services are available for clinical and research utility. We also offer imaging under General anesthesia .In house production of radiopharmaceuticals which have unique use in neuropsychiatric disorders is available with the availability of CYCLOTRON in dept of NI&IR .Image guided biopsy is also offered .We also offer our services in the newly established intraopertaive MRI. The RIS facility is linked with the HIS facility in NIMHANS for online viewing of images and report in the clinical setup .

In addition to the above services, department provides outstanding teaching and research facilities and has been actively involved in disseminating the knowledge to rest of the country. Active interdepartmental neuroradiology discussions are also offered in various subspecialty such as movement disorder ,paediatric, geriatric etc.It is India’s premiere Neuroradiology and Neurointerventions  teaching department, headed by Prof AK Gupta who is the founder of Neuroradiology subspecialty course in the country. With the state of the art infrastructure our research aims to see beyond the boundaries of clinical medicine. We are also in the process of acquiring NABh accrediation status for the department. Visiting faculty through extramural funds and sponsored Phd program students are also part of the team.

Message from the head of the department

I welcome you on behalf of faculty, residents and other staff of Department of Neuroimaging and Interventional Radiology, NIMHANS, BANGALORE. Technological advances with highest quality of patient care have now allowed imaging to take the center stage in the diagnosis and management of neurological disorders. Over the last several years our department has continued to see beyond the boundaries in patient care, training and research.

First and foremost, our motto is patient care and patient is center of our activities.  We have made several additions to insure that we are providing the best possible imaging and interventional care for all of our patients. We are providing world class imaging and interventional services to all needy patients. We have made quality and safety a priority in our department and have instituted several new programs to guarantee that our patients receive the best and safest imaging and interventional care. It is our mission to be reliable, consistent and accessible to both our patients and colleagues. Several new pilot programs have been developed to guarantee that we will remain a leader in this area.We have undergone metamorphosis from structural to functional imaging to molecular imaging  and from diagnosis to therapy in the last couple of years

Our research team continues to expand with an emphasis on translational research and the integration of our basic research innovations with our colleagues in other specialty. Our goal is to develop new and cost effective ways of imaging that can improve our ability to make accurate diagnosis earlier enabling more effective and successful treatment.

Education remains a priority for our department and is exemplified by our outstanding residency and fellowship programs. We are proud that each year we admit three postgraduates to join for 3 year DM Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology course and ten students join us in our 3 year BSc Radiography course. In conjunction with the innovative curriculum of thesecourses, we have developed new ways to for teaching and training. We continue to expand our teaching through several courses of continuing medical education for post graduate students each year.

I am excited about each of the initiatives described above. They are going to improve our department and the imaging and interventional services, we provide to needy patients.  But the pillars of our department are our intelligent, caring, and dedicated group of professionals who provide best patient care at any cost.

Dr A K Gupta

Professor and Head

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