Library E-Journals- S


All Subscribed e-Journals A -Z


Safer Communities (Full-Text: 2003-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

SAGE Open Medical Case Reports (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

SAGE Open Medicine (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

SAGE Open (Free OPen Access: 2011-Current)

SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS (Full-Text: 2004 – 2015)

Saudi Dental Journal (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 21, Issue 2, 2009 – Current)

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (Full-Text Complimentary: 2009 – Current)

Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology (Full-Text: 2008-Current)

Saudi Journal for Health Sciences ( Full-Text: 2015-Current)

Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 23, Issue 2, 2009 – Current)

Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 17, Issue 3, 2009 – Current)

Saudi urAnaesthesia (Full-Text: 2009-Current)

Scandinavian Audiology (Full-Text: 1998 – 2001)

Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy (Full-Text: 1999 – current)

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. Supplement ( Full Text:2002)

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health (Full-Text: 2007-Current)

Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review (Full text:1997 to current)

Scenario (Full-Text: 2011 – current)

Scenario (Full-Text: 2011-Current)

Schizophrenia Bulletin (Full-Text: 1969 – 2004)

Schizophrenia Bulletin (Full-Text: 2005 – 2009)

Schizophrenia Bulletin (Full-Text: current)

Schizophrenia Research (Full-Text: 1995 – 2012)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology (Full-Text: 2014 – current)

School Counselor (Full-Text: 1990 – current)

School Psychology Quarterly (Full-Text: 1990 – current)

School Psychology Review (Full-Text: 1990 – current)

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

Science and Engineering Ethics (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Science China. Life Sciences (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Science of Gymnastics Journal (Full-Text: 2011-Current)

Science (Full-Text: 1988- 2005)

Science (Full-Text: 1997 – 2004)

Science (Full-Text: current)

Scientia Iranica (Full-Text Complimentary: 2011 – 2013)

Scientia Pharmaceutica (Full-Text: 2010-Current)

Scientific American (Full-Text: 2005 – current)

Scientific American (Full-Text: 2011 – current)

Scientific American Earth 3.0 ( Full-Text:2007-Current)

Scientific American Mind (Full-Text: 2004 – current)

Scientific American Presents (Full-Text: 1997 – 2009)

Scientific American Special Edition ( Full Text:1998-2000)

Scientific American Special Issue (HTML Full Text: 1997-2009)

Scoliosis (Full-Text: 2009-Current)

Seeing & Perceiving (Full-Text: 1999 – current)

Seizure (Full-Text: 1995 – current)

Self & Identity (Full-Text: 2002 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Self and Identity (Full-Text: 2002 – 2015)

Seminars in Hearing (Full-Text: 2002 – current)

Seminars in Immunopathology (Full-Text: 2000-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Seminars in Neuroscience (Full-Text: 1995 – 1998)

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine (Full-Text: 1995 – 2007)

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine (2018)

Seminars in Pediatric Neurology (Full-Text: 1995 – 2014)

Seminars in Radiation Oncology (Full-Text: 1995 – 2007)

Seminars in Roentgenology (Full-Text: 1995 – 2007)

Seminars in Speech & Language (Full-Text: 2006 – 2008)

Sensing and Imaging (Full-Text: 2000-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Sequencing (Full-Text: 2010-Current)

Sexual & Relationship Therapy (Full-Text: 2000 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity The Journal of Treatment & Prevention (Full-Text: 1997 – 2015)

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Sexual and Relationship Therapy (Full-Text: 1997 – 2015)

Sexual and Relationship Therapy (Full-Text: 1998- 2000)

Sexual Development (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

Sexual Medicine (Open Access: 2013 – current)

Sexualities, Evolution & Gender (Full-Text: 1999 – 2005)

Sexuality & Disability (Full-Text: 1997 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Sexuality and Disability (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Sexuality Research & Social Policy (Full-Text: 2004-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Full-Text: 1977 – 1999)

Sexually Transmitted Infections (Full-Text: 1996- 2003)

Shock (Full-Text: 1994 – 1999)

Skeletal Radiology (Full-Text: 2003-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Skin Appendage Disorders (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (Full-Text: 1998-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (Full-Text: 2013 – Current)

Sleep and Biological Rhythms (Full-Text: 2003 – current)

Sleep and Breathing (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Sleep and Hypnosis (Online) (Full-Text: 2012-Current)

Sleep and Hypnosis (Full-Text: 2004- 2010)

Sleep Disorders (Full-Text: 2012-Current)

Sleep Medicine Reviews (Full-Text: 1997 – current)

Sleep Medicine (Full-Text: 2000 – current)

Sleep (Full-Text: current)

Sleep (Full-Text: current)

Smith College Studies In Social Work (Full text:1997 to current)

Social Analysis (Full-Text: 2003- current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal (Full-Text: 1979 – current)

Social Care and Neurodisability (Full-Text: 2010-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Social Choice and Welfare (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Social Cognition (Full-Text: 2003 – current)

Social Development (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Forces (Full-Text: 1974 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Influence (Full-Text: 2006 – 2015)

Social Neuroscience (Full-Text: 2006 – 2015)

Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Social Psychology Quarterly (Full-Text: 1995 – 2013)

Social Psychology Quarterly (Full-Text: 1995- 2013)

Social Psychology Quarterly(Free OPen Access: 2004-Current)

Social Psychology (Full-Text: 2008 – current)

Social Research (Full-Text: 1990 – current)

Social Science & Medicine (Full-Text: Index 1 to Volume 40, 1995 – current)

Social Science Journal (Full-Text: 1990 – 2001)

Social Science Quarterly (Full-Text: 1976 – current)

Social Science Quarterly (Full-Text: 1976 – current)

Social Studies (Full-Text: 1990 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Social Theory & Health (Full-Text: 2003-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Social Work Education (Full text:1997 to current)

Social Work In Health Care (Full text:1997 to current)

Social Work In Mental Health (Full text:2002 to current)

Social Work In Public Health (Full text:2002 to current)

Social Work Research (Full-Text: 1994 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Work Research (Full-Text: 1997 – 2012)

Social Work Research (Full-Text: 1997- 2012)

Social Work with Groups (Full-Text: 1997 – 2015)

Social Work (Full-Text: 1975 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Social Work (Full-Text: 1988- 2012)

Society & Mental Health (Full-Text: 2011 – Current)

Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology (Full-Text: 2013-Current)

Somatosensory & Motor Research (Full-Text: 1997 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Source Code for Biology and Medicine (Full-Text: 2009-Current)

South African Journal of Psychology (Full-Text: 1994 – current)

Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (Full-Text: 2005-Current)

Southern Medical Journal (Full-Text: 1908 – 1999)

Spanish Journal of Psychology (Full-Text: 2006- 2012) 

Spatial Vision (Full-Text: 1999 – current)

SpeciaLiving Magazine (Full-Text: 2009 – current)

Spinal Cord (Full-Text: 1963 – current)

Spinal Cord (Full-Text: 2000-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Spine (Full-Text: 1976 – current)

Spine: Affiliated Society Meeting Abstracts (Full-Text: 2001-2011, 2013)

Spirituality in Clinical Practice (Full-Text: 2013 – current)

Sport & Exercise Psychology Review (Full-Text: 2009 – current)

Sport Science Review (Full-Text: 2010-Current)

Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology (Full-Text: 2011 – current)

Sports Medicine (Full-Text: 2008-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology : SMARTT (Full-Text: 2009- 2012)

SRNA Newsbulletin (Full-Text: 1998 – 2010)

SRNA Newsbulletin (Full-Text: 1998- 2010)

SSM (Full-Text: 1997 – current)

SSM (Full-Text: 1998- 2003)

Stapp Car Crash Journal (Full-Text: 2003-Current)

Statistical Methods in Medical Research (Full-Text: 1997-Current)

Statistical Methods in Medical Research: An International Review(Free OPen Access: 2004-Current)

Stem Cell Research (Full-Text: 2007 – current)

Stem Cell Reviews (Full-Text: 2005-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (Full-Text: 1998 – Current)

Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 55, Issue 1, 1995 – Volume 118, Issue 2, 2008; Volume 119, Issue 5, 2009; Volume 120, Issue 5, 2010)

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Strategies for Nurse Managers (Full-Text: 2009 – 2010)

Strategies (Full-Text: 2002-Current)

Strength and Conditioning Journal (Full-Text: 2004- 2011)

Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress (Full text: 1997- Current)

Stress, Trauma, and Crisis An International Journal (Full-Text:2000 – 2006)

Stroke (Full-Text: 1970 – current)

Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal (Full-Text: 1997 – 2015)

Structure (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 3, Issue 1, 1995 – Volume 22, Issue 3, 2014)

Student BMJ (Full-Text: 2002- 2003)

Studies in Gender and Sexuality (Full-Text: 2000 – 2015)

Studies in Higher Education (Full-Text: 1990 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment (Full-Text: 2008-Current)

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy (Full-Text: 2009-Current)

Substance Use & Misuse (Full-Text: 2001 – current*; Embargo: 18 months delayed)

Suicide & Life – Threatening Behavior (Full-Text: 1994- 2010)

Support for Learning (Full-Text: 1998 – current*; Embargo: 12 months delayed)

Support Line (Full-Text: 2006 – current)

Supportive Care in Cancer (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Surgical Endoscopy (Full-Text: 2000-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Surgical Laparoscopy & Endoscopy (Full-Text: 1991 – 1999)

Surgical Neurology International (Full-Text: 2011-Current)

Surgical Neurology (Full-Text: 1995 – 2009)

Surgical Oncology (Full-Text: 2003-Current; Embargo: 2 Months delayed)

Survey of Anesthesiology (Full-Text: 1957-1998, 2007-2008)

Sveikatos Politika ir Valdymas (Full-Text: 2011-Current)

Systematic and Applied Microbiology (Full-Text: 2001- 2005)

Systematic Biology (Full-Text: 1998- 2007)

Systematic Parasitology (Full-Text: 1997-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Systems and Synthetic Biology (Full-Text: 2007-Current; Embargo: 12 Months delayed)

Systems Engineering Procedia (Full-Text Complimentary: Volume 1, 2011 – Volume 4, 2012)

Systems Research and Behavioral Science (Full-Text: 1997 – 2004)