International Patients

Patients from overseas will be given outpatient treatment. However, they will only be permitted for inpatient treatment at NIMHANS if they have a MEDICAL VISA. Patients with other visas will not be admitted but treated on an outpatient basis.

Admission/ Inpatient care for Foreign Nationals at NIMHANS.

  • Foreign Nationals having a valid Medical Visa (M Visa) only can be admitted to the hospital. Attendants of such patients should be in possession of a valid Medical Attendant Visa (MX Visa).
  • Patients /attendants who possess any other type of Visa, other than M Visa and MX Visa respectively cannot be admitted. However, such patients will be given outpatient consultation and treatment.
  • In the event of a foreign National, arriving in Emergency condition, and not possessing M Visa he/she should be instituted life saving treatment and subsequently RMO/MS should be informed before admitting that patient.
  • Foreign patients who have come on “M Visa” and “MX Visa” for medical treatment have to mandatorily register themselves with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) Bangalore, within 14 days of arrival.

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