Key Roles and Functions

Key Roles and Functions

The Department of Publication renders specialized publishing services including generation of Institute activity reports, proofreading, coordinating translation and printing of various IEC materials, etc.

The department coordinates the entire process of publishing NIMHANS Annual Report (in English and Hindi) — from the stage of conceptualization to printing — under the aegis of the Annual Report Committee. The Annual Report is formally laid in both the Houses of Parliament in accordance with the prescribed requirements and regulations.

Institute activity reports — encompassing the overview of the Institute’s activities, developments and achievements — are also generated periodically for various statutory body meetings.

Publications storage and inventory management, translation of notices and vital administrative communications into regional language, coordinating translation works with the Institute of Translation Studies, checking name boards/signboards, rubber stamps, etc. are some of the other activities carried out on a regular basis.

The department organises Kannada classes in association with Kannada and Culture Department, Government of Karnataka for the benefit of non-Kannada speaking faculty and staff. English classes for BSc Nursing (I year) students are also coordinated by the department. Translation certificates for consent forms (to be presented to the Ethics Committee) of various research activities and other vital documents are issued by the department after checking the veracity and correctness of the translated forms, in comparison with the original version(s).