Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade

Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade, Senior Professor

Curriculum Viate – Summary

List of Publications Part 1
List of Publications Part 2

Conference Presentation and Workshops Conducted

Lectures Delivered

Chittaranjan Andrade, MD, is a Senior Professor in Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neurotoxicology at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India. His principal expertise lies in psychopharmacology, electroconvulsive therapy, ketamine therapy, research methodology, and statistics. He has been writing a monthly column on Psychopharmacology in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry since 2012. In 2020, he was listed by Stanford University among the world’s top 2% scientists in psychiatry, and was the top-ranked in India. He has about 600 publications that have received more than 8300 citations in world literature. His extracurricular interests and activities include classical music, classical poetry, freelance journalism, close up and stage magic, middle-distance athletics, rock-climbing, and high-altitude mountaineering.

Fields of interest and work

Dr Andrade is working in theoretical, clinical, and practical psychopharmacology and brain stimulation with electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial direct current stimulation, oral ketamine, the psychopharmacology of pregnancy, statistics, and research methodology as important fields of work. He recently completed and published the results of the large, nationwide, MDD-1 India Study, the first and only nationally-representative examination of antidepressant outcomes in first-episode major depressive disorder in the country. He is currently working on a framework for the reconceptualization of schizophrenia.


Chittaranjan Andrade, M.D., is a psychiatrist with more than four decades of experience. He is a Senior Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neurotoxicology at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India.

His academic record comprises 25 prizes in pre-collegiate education, 4 prizes during collegiate education (including the 4th rank in the State of Karnataka), 9 prizes and gold medals in medical college (including the best outgoing student award in the university), and the gold medal for standing first in the university in the postgraduate examinations.

He has received 3 international awards, 11 national awards (including all the major awards of the Indian Psychiatric Society) and about 10 state and other awards in recognition of his research. He has published more than 20 books, about 40 chapters in various texts, and around 500 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. His work has received more than 8,300 citations (ResearchGate) in the scientific literature (H-index, 44) . In a study published from Stanford University in 2020, he was listed among the top 2% of world scientists in the discipline of psychiatry and was the top-ranked in India.

Dr Andrade conducts training and research in clinical psychopharmacology in general and electroconvulsive therapy and ketamine therapy in particular. He was formerly involved in the research and development of herbal psychotropic medicinal substances. He has completed a large number of studies in animal models as well as in human subjects in both alternative medicinal and modern medicinal fields.

Dr Andrade is a member of the editorial boards of both The Journal of ECT and Brain Stimulation. He is also the Field Editor for Clinical Therapeutics for the journal Bipolar Disorders. He serves on the editorial boards of several other journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, and Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. He is and has been a member of various other boards, committees, and task forces at both national and international levels.

Dr Andrade is an experienced research methodologist with additional expertise in statistical methods. He conducts courses in statistics and research methodology. He is also a committed educator. He publishes an independent, thrice-weekly electronic newsletter, the Synergy Times, which, since 2001, has been reaching psychiatrists across the world. Dr Andrade also runs the e-Journal Club India initiative which, since 2016, has been providing education and guidance on issues related to research to postgraduate students and academic psychiatrists in the country.

Dr Andrade has also published various print newsletters down the years; these had an extensive national circulation among psychiatrists and physicians, and a small international circulation, as well. Presently, he publishes a monthly, indexed column in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (running since 2012), and a Critical Readings in Psychiatry book series, the 12th volume of which was recently released.

Dr. Andrade is an active freelance journalist with a crossword column that has been running for 7 years. He has published three books for children and around 800 articles in various newspapers and magazines. He has played 4 musical instruments for several orchestras and musical groups in Bangalore. He composes music, has written the anthems of two schools and one college, and has featured often in radio and television broadcasts. He has been a state-level middle-distance athlete, a rock-climber, and a mountaineer; he has scaled 10 peaks in the Himalayas, as well as Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the world’s highest free-standing mountain and one of the Seven Summits of the World. He performs stage and close-up magic as additional interests.